1. This is really good! What a shame the corresponding videos are no longer available. Thank you Siobhan

  2. Is there a formula for the reverse? How to calculate what would be a safe load or ramp up without trying several “what ifs”?
    I’ll keep thinking about how to turn that equation around!

    1. Hi Delores, we generally say to increase load by approximately 10% per week when building up. As you can see from the numbers, we can take that up to 20 or 30% safely (depending on which research we read, and depending on the intensity of the activity). The formula would simply be taking your current workload and multiplying it by anything between 0.8 (if you want a deload week to recover) and 1.3 (the higher end of ramping up). A super safe way in the beginning would be multiplying by 1.1. Hope that helps!

  3. Hi Raffa here, my ACWR, I calculated according to your example, is 2.3 , is it danger zone ? Thanks hugs, Raffa

    1. Hi Raffa, yes it is. Here’s what the numbers signify:

      <0.8 = danger zone; undertraining which can lead to injury risk (yes, we also don’t want to DROP our training amounts too much from week to week if we want to avoid injury!)

      0.8-1.2/1.3 = sweet spot; optimal workload and lowest relative injury risk

      1.3-1.5 = increased injury risk

      >1.5 = danger zone; significantly increased injury risk, highest relative injury risk

      So because your number is above 1.5, yes, you’re in the zone of highest relative injury risk. You don’t need to panic, but it is important to know that this injury risk is not always immediate; we sometimes see injuries pop up a few weeks down the track when our training load spikes this quickly. So you want to take care over the coming weeks to keep training, but not overdo it. Don’t decrease too much, either!

  4. I trust your advice based on your background and knowledge. How ironic that a few messages down in my email was another dancer extolling the need for cool down stretches to avoid injury.

    1. Hey Delores, I’m sure they didn’t mean any harm! And as I say, there’s nothing wrong with stretching in the cool down. In fact, it’s a great time to stretch to improve our flexibility, because we’re already warmed up, so we might be able to stretch a bit further / get more out of it. But yes, it’s a myth that persists, for sure!