Life experience is dance experience: are you ready to show your vulnerability on stage?

No matter your dance style, being clear on the message you want to communicate, and learning how to communicate and share yourself with the audience, will enrich your performances.

Want to take your dance to the next level? Join us for “Bellydance and the Authentic Self” with Amanda Rose at 14:00 on Saturday October 26 in Rotterdam (And there’s still places to perform at the hafla if you want to put your learning into practice that evening!).

Register now here to take your dance expression even further. Watch the full Q&A with Amanda Rose here.

Greenstone Belly Dance is delighted to be hosting Asiyah in Rotterdam on Saturday the 29th of June to teach an advanced veil workshop. Want to get to know Asiyah better? Here are 6 quick questions that we asked her! 

Lees hier de Nederlandse versie.

Why did you start belly dancing? Belly Dance Championship 2019

As a teenager, the whole idea of “1001 nights” was really appealing to me. During a holiday to Egypt I saw a a belly dancer performing and really felt this was something for me! When I read in the newspaper that Majidah was going to teach in my region, I didn’t hesitate for a second and signed up for a trial lesson. My whole life I have been busy with dance: jazz ballet, street dance, ballroom dancing and salsa; but I found my real passion in belly dance.

How would you describe your style? 


Asiyah is uitgenodigd door Greenstone Bellydance in Rotterdam om op  zaterdag 29 juni een workshop sluierdans te komen geven. Wil je Asiyah beter leren kennen? Hier zijn 6 korte vragen die we haar hebben gesteld!

Want to learn about Asiyah Suad, 2019 Dutch Dance Sports Belly Dance Champion and special guest at our Summer Workshops & Hafla? Click here to read the English version!

Waarom buikdans?

Als tiener trok de hele sfeer van 1001 nacht mij heel erg. Tijdens een vakantie naar Belly Dance Championship 2019Egypte zag ik een optreden van een buikdanseres en vond dit helemaal bij mij passen. Toen ik in het regionale dagblad las dat Majidah les ging geven in de regio twijfelde ik geen seconde en gaf mij op voor de proefles. Ik ben mijn hele leven al bezig met dans, jazzballet, streetdance, stijldansen en salsa dansen.  Maar mijn echte passie had ik gevonden in buikdans.

Hoe beschrijf je jouw style?
